Monday, April 29, 2013


There comes a time when a woman just has to trust her husband.   For example:

 A wife comes home late at night, and quietly opens the door to her bedroom.   From under the blanket she sees four legs instead of two.   She reaches for a baseball bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can. Leaving the covered bodies groaning, she goes to the kitchen to have a drink.

 As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading a magazine.

 "Hi Honey", he says, "Your parents have come to visit us, so l let them stay in our bedroom. Did you say "hello?


Unknown said...

Hi R.U. Bourd, I would like your permission to post your Are You Bored listing for Old School Pinellas on a Facebook group I am a memebr of called You Know you Grwe up in Old Clearwater. Most members would get a real kick out of your list. I think it is permissable to post all blog content elsewhere for non commercial purposes, which this would vertainly be - but I wanted to ask anyway.

Brad Neff
d7dot at Mindspring DOT com

Unknown said...

Hi, I am posting a request to post your Old School Pinellas from your Are You Bored blog.It would be for non commercial purposes to aFacebook group I am a member of called You Know you Grew up IN Old Clearwater. I ams sure that members of the group would appreciate reading your list. Thanks. Brad Neff

EMail d7dot AT mindspring DOT com

R U Bourd said...

Yes sir, you have my permission to do so.
